Thursday, February 15, 2007



Note: No cars were hurt in the making of this snowstorm. Or rather, no little blue Acuras with Wisconsin plates who live in this parking lot. There was a bit of backbreaking labor involved in reversing the snowstorm in order to free said car. These pictures were taken on Wednesday evening (Snow Day! School Closed and Everything!). By Thursday, I had to dig out the license plate. With a saucepan. Cause in apartment life, you're generally able to leave the shoveling, and the shovel, to the landlord. A nice random bystander from Minnesota offered his help, and his plastic trash can lid, so it only took 45 minutes to uncover the car and excavate a 5-foot path from its back wheels to the plowed lane.

I knew that if I believed in winter hard enough, it would finally come to visit.

1 comment:

Tricia said...

Hey! Snowing Here! Will take pictures when have a chance. WHEEE.

Now, I just want a mountain.